Townsend Leadership Program

Answer these questions to see if you need the Townsend Leadership Program

  1. Do you have someplace where you can be 100 percent honest and vulnerable?
  2. Can you be honest about struggles, conflicts, needs, weaknesses that you have personally and professionally?
  3. Do you have anyone or any group of people committed to your growth and well-being as a leader?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions then please schedule a time for us to talk about the Townsend Leadership Program. I guarantee you will see the value in this program!

What to expect:

With the Competence + Character Leadership model, you’ll learn how to focus on strategy and goals while cultivating emotional intelligence to help you grow. The Leader’s Path to Growth is a framework that highlights how the fruit of your success in your personal and professional life stems from roots of grace, truth, and time. With these models, you gain benefits of integrated leadership growth while experiencing personal support from your TLP team.


  • Engage your team to embrace your values
  • Enhance your organization’s performance
  • Build and develop a unified, motivated team
  • Set and achieve three big-picture stretch goals
  • Execute well-crafted strategies quickly and decisively
  • Revolutionize your leadership power and presence

The Townsend Leadership Program trains you in both “task skills” and “people skills” to optimize your leadership performance.

What will you be doing at TLP?

Every month we will meet for a training day that will last 4 to 4.5 hours. Each training day the following agenda is used to ensure progress every month:
Benefit from your team’s collective knowledge during high-value, confidential SWOT analysis segments.
Chart stretch goals and individualized homework assignment progress at a roundtable for accountability and support.
Participate in practical interactive leadership lessons based on Dr. Townsend’s unique model. Representative topics:

  • Creating a High-Performance Team Culture
  • Dealing with Negative Realities Effectively
  • The ROI of Forgiveness
  • Skills for Accelerating Performance During Difficult Times

Gain understanding, feedback, and solutions from team members who understand your situation. Collaborate to help resolve any hindrances to your leadership success.
Create a monthly assignment based on the day’s training lecture session to build your skills through personalized actionable items that pertain to your stretch goals and new skills learned in the program.
Further your growth trends during tailored one-to-one time with Dr. Gilbert Fugitt.


Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Gilbert Fugitt and discover if you want to take the next step.


Upcoming Cohort



Townsend Leadership Program

Learn More Here

March 2024

What Others Say

The Townsend Leadership Program experience with Dr, Gilbert Fugitt was more impactful and evolutionary for me in my career and personal life than I could have imagined. I have known Gilbert for several years, and I trusted him to be a good coach and mentor, and he absolutely was. I did not expect the depth and breadth of growth the program and the new friends and confidants I met through the program would deliver for me professionally and personally though. I came into the program as an individual contributor in my career, with no long-term plan for what I wanted in my future. God had other plans though. Through my learnings and support in this program, I found my way from an individual contributor role into a huge new growth opportunity as a people manager. I had no idea how incredible the journey would be, or how valuable the experience and my TLP “Dream Team” would be in preparing me for this new chapter in my career. On a more personal note, the courage, candor, and accountability from my TLP Dream Team friends has had a huge impact on my overall physical health too. I sleep more, stress less, and even exercise more now because of the encouragement and accountability from my amazing team mates. The TLP experience has truly been one of the most transformative experiences of my adult life and professional career. Thank you Gilbert and my TLP team!

Jon Steele

Amazon Web Services,Inc.

I was hesitant to commit to any coaching because of the cost, time commitment and the fact that I’ve had proven results of reaching my professional goals on my own.  What influenced me to start and continue over multiple years, was the emphasis on personal development, included with professional development.  I’ve grown personally, in my marriage, health and family life, as well as in my professional life.  TLP has given me tools and people to continue this personal and professional development, as well as share it with my employees, peers and even friends.

Beth Scott

Owner of Chick-fil-A El Toro Road

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